Urban Gymnastics
Urban Gymnastics, also known as Parkour, is the art of overcoming obstacles as swiftly and safely as possible using only your body. The fundamentals include running, jumping, and climbing, and we build on these fundamentals to improve our ability to pass over, under, around and through obstacles with more complex movements. Urban Gymnastics is a system of fitness training that improves strength, speed, agility, co-ordination, stamina, endurance, and precision. It offers a full-body workout at any level of experience, and improves your ability to move, to harness your confidence, to change how you see the world. All of our Urban Gymnastic classes are coed.
Urban I (8 YRS+)
Introduction to the discipline of Urban Gymnastics and develop a skill-set foundation that will carry them through our Urban Gymnastics program. Focus is on introducing new athletes to gym etiquette and discipline while keeping the atmosphere fun and engaging.
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Urban II (8 YRS+)
Intermediate level class that is designed to combine the basic skill-set learned in Urban I with enhanced awareness and control of our bodies. Combos, flow, and critical thinking skills combine to get our athletes ready for anything. Students must be able to demonstrate basic vaults (like Thief, Safety, and Speed vaults), wall-runs (One-Step and Two-Step), precisions, and tumbling skills (Forward and Backwards rolls, Cartwheels) to qualify for this class.
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Urban III
This class is where it all comes together. Athletes continue to develop their skill level and combinations with a more individually customized focus. This class is by invitation only.
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*Registration for higher level classes must be approved by a department lead. Please call the front office for more information, assistance or to schedule a skill assessment.
Registration | Class | Days | Times | Ages | Openings | Tuition |
Urban 2/3 Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm | Wednesday | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm | 8 - 18 | 3 | $100.00 |